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Nice idea and good mechanics.

I'm bad at it, and I have a hard time hitting the projectiles with the right timing and angle, they rarely go on the enemies.

And the random part for the shields is not really fun.

this is a really solid experience! the mechanics work well, and I like the little detail of the "main menu" being a physical level you walk around in. Only complaint I have is that there aren't more levels. very good work!

This was a very fun experience!

I will say, the bosses were very good and the whole pacing of the game is great!

It is also VERY polished and feels GREAT to play.

The only thing I think you might've been able to do more with is the "Alchemy" part of the theme.

Awesome game though!

I enjoyed it thoroughly !

Now, I think the hitbox of the sworswing should be bigger, you really need to glue to the projectiles to deflect them. Still, the hitbox linger long, so it wasn't a horrible issue.

I like the shield mechanic, it's a shame you didn't use it. Enemies shield themselves and very rarely give you the element to break it. Most of the time I was just waiting for the shield to disappear because of it.

I wish they were a bit of music too.

It's a cool entry and I had fun playing it, also i want to thank you for not making the game hard and punishing !

It’s definitely just the time issue. I didn’t want to introduce shields too early, so they are only relevant on the last couple of levels. But any hypothetical level that comes after that would also feature this mechanic.

Same with music. I wanted to make something, but was too tired to, so settled on some ambient sounds.

This is an awesome concept! It was really fun using the deflection mechanic and the different enemy attacks were really fun to engage with! Awesome job!

Very satisfying. It feels like something that could become popular.

GG 10/10

Great game and interesting mechanics! I found myself not using the space as much, but the concept and execution are great

Cool game, controls feel good and fun mechanic to use the enemies projectile against themselves. Also animation of the emelies look cool!

(1 edit)

Your game has the JUICE! Lovely player feedback; it feels amazing to whip projectiles back at your enemies and the screenshake is a nice touch. Everything squashes and stretches. I could waste a lot of time playing this one!

Thanks, gonna go check out your submission!